We hope you enjoy our community as much as we do. This code of conduct applies to everybody within RVK HEMA Club – directors of the Board, coaches and all others who work on behalf of the club. Directors of the Board and others who function on behalf of RVK HEMA Club (RHC) are volunteers. Everyone who takes on a task or a function on behalf of the club is expected to read and familiarize themselves with this code of conduct and follow it. Any Board member or coach must be notified of any violation of the rules. Failure to meet the rules of the club can result in a permanent ban.
1. At all times, act with integrity and gracious attitude toward exercise buddies and trainers. 2. Respect your coach. The coach is in charge during practices. Remember the practice rules of the club. 3. Respect the exercise area, the environment and the people around you. Show courtesy and respect to those who share the area with us. 4. Do not deliberately mistreat the equipment that the club provides for its members for training and put things back in their place after practice. 5. Always ensure confidentiality relating to children and on subjects relating to another club member – but always within the limits of mandatory reporting requirements. 6. Do not abuse any power or superiority you may have over others. 7. Maintain an environment of non-discrimination, and do not discriminate against individuals or groups in terms of race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, social status, age, sexual orientation, gender or gender expression in all areas of society. All forms of harassment, discrimination and bullying are unacceptable, and should be reported to coaches or board members. 8. Never, whether directly or indirectly, take part in bets, gambling, lotteries and similar events or transactions related to sports events that you are in any way involved with, either as a participant or staff member. 9. Do not accept any gifts or enter into agreements that may lead to a loss of credibility, independence or neutrality for the group, whilst in any way relating yourself to Reykjavik HEMA Club, officially or unofficially. |
Violation of the RHC’s Code of Conduct
– Process –
If a practitioner, parent, Board member, employee, member, volunteer, or anyone else believes this code of conduct has been violated, he or she should refer the matter to any RHC board member, who will deal with the matter accordingly. You can contact us directly by phone or by e-mail marked “Confidential” (to atlifg11@gmail.com). By due procedure, matters will be taken up at a Board meeting. In the case of child abuse, the case is to be brought to Child Protective Services, to the police, or another appropriate body, and the aftermath of the case worked on in collaboration with the relevant institution, if this is appropriate. If there are cases involving sexual offenses, cf. chapter 22 of the Criminal Code, or where other physical violence has been used, the members of the board are required to contact the police. Breaking the Code of Conduct for any reason can result in a permanent ban from a role within the club or from the club itself. Similarly, any group member who is convicted or suspected of any form of physical assault or abusive behavior will be subject to board process. The board of RHC makes a decision once the case has been examined, regarding whether to: ● Drop the case ● Decide upon a reprimand ● Suspend temporarily the person in question ● Suspend permanently the person in question All those who work or volunteer with RHC must sign this code of conduct before starting work. This code of conduct is also mandatory to practicing members and will be publicly accessible on RHC’s website. |